Interview Articles "Monster Hunter" series Capcom staff interview the first time

"Monster Hunter" series Capcom staff interview the first time

By collaboration project of Monster Hunter x CHOGOKIN
CHOGOKIN Rio Reus born.
About this memorable "super hunting spirit" collaboration item, Monster Hunter's
Tsujimoto, who is a producer, I heard you talk to Fujioka who is the director.
Whether this project began how to?
And what is the attraction of the CHOGOKIN Rio Reus viewed from the "Monster Hunter" side?



"Monster Hunter" series Capcom staff interview the first time

- First of all, but we were allowed to offer the current state of the prototype, what thoughts anyone?

Tsujimoto:The first time we saw this, I said I "buy Seriously!" (Laughs).
Fujioka:This is beyond the level of the toys!
It's a perfect item for adults.
Tsujimoto:We unveiled it at the Monster Hunter 10th Anniversary Exhibition, and finally announced the transformation ver. A.N.I.M.E.. At that time, ver. A.N.I.M.E. was still a mystery. In fact, it will have a "dream transformation."
Fujioka:Of about do not know from where can I touch, I can say this deformation feeling.

"Monster Hunter" series Capcom staff interview the first time

Tsujimoto:Even so, when it comes to Rioreusu form, it's going to be so big.
Fujioka:At the beginning of development, I was wondering what kind of silhouette the CHOGOKIN Rioreus would be, and how much attitude could be reproduced. Because the original is a living thing.
Tsujimoto:In fact, I myself, I was not asked to show so much a prototype and design in the development process. Supervision is mainly in Fujioka is in charge, and a "very good!" From him, have been for some reason told the only impressions proudly (laughs).
Fujioka:Well done is (laughs). Planning at the beginning and the design stage, but I also got a place that became grasp, such as a sense of volume, coming out atmosphere in which development proceeds, is still pretty good and metallic paint enters so far. It is a word of the other "cool!" (Laughs).

"Monster Hunter" series Capcom staff interview the first time

Tsujimoto:But "cool!" The is, of course, well Do not made things up to this point, to say that it is the real intention (laughs).
Fujioka:Because the long-awaited, two buy to, but it is I want you to decorate side-by-side both of Hunter form and Rioreusu form. I Do is good Rioreusu today, also because the difficulties likely to deform in the mood of the day (laughs).

■ planning history of the

- Please tell us about the origin of this collaboration project.

Tsujimoto:One day, suddenly, "Would you like to make it a CHOGOKIN?" (From the side of Bandai) was proposed (lol). At that time, CHOGOKIN of monster hunters was completely unimaginable. But it was interesting, so it's good, (laughs). That was about two years ago.

- Will there is such as design proposals at that point in time?

Tsujimoto:It is not at all. There is no specific thing like what, how, or what to do, but I was forced to say "Let's do it!" (Laughs). However, I was happy because I was the CHOGOKIN myself.
Fujioka:After a while, with the timing of the 10th anniversary of Monster Hunter and the 40th anniversary of CHOGOKIN, the planning went into full swing.
Tsujimoto:It was thought that "I do really" made at this time (laughs). The first is quite a story, such as the dream, whether can be achieved, because I did not know. But, fixed or more, was feeling "by all means, please!".

"Monster Hunter" series Capcom staff interview the first time

■ appointment of Mr. Hajime Katoki

--- Please tell us about the design arrangement as a CHOGOKIN.

Tsujimoto:First, while a like a "free Please do to" talk, we ask that originality comes out ... and only.
Fujioka:Because I was CHOGOKIN, I wanted to see designs with different dimensions and approaches than games.
Tsujimoto:While deciding the directionality of the design, we received a proposal (from a development staff member), "Are you going to use a robot-like arrangement because it is a deformed CHOGOKIN?"
Fujioka:While consultation from there as "I want you to thoroughly robotic if another do", I was allowed to request the appointment of Mr. Hajime Katoki.

- Why was Mr. Katoki?

Fujioka:It was a generational led the strong feelings designers also for me, this kind of arrangement above all is by far, it fits I would Do with.
But, in fact, although I had thought that would be difficult to ask, it has been decided appointed like a "really good?" (Laughs).
Tsujimoto:Games as a development team, I had to this time of the (by Mr. Hajime Katoki) design to really study.

-When making CHOGOKIN, were there any other candidates besides Rio Reus?

"Monster Hunter" series Capcom staff interview the first time

Fujioka:When I received the presentation, such as become a robot with a plurality of monster coalesce, there are several candidates, was decided in the current one to be deformed from among them to Rioreusu.
Tsujimoto:Since Rioreusu is the most impressive monsters in the work, if the 10 anniversary, this only, is one 択. Even Capcom side, Rioreusu had her by Takeshi push.
Fujioka:If you want to make a CHOGOKIN next ... as another version, I wonder if it is a rival Rireasu subspecies or rival as well. And Gore Magara seems to be arranged coolly, isn't it?
Tsujimoto:It's trying to give me the time of the 15th anniversary (laughs).

"Monster Hunter" series Capcom staff interview the first time
Ryozo Tsujimoto

Monster Hunter

Ryozo Tsujimoto

■ profile
Involved as an arcade game developed as a planner, then in charge of many of the home-use game software and game planner.
2007 "Monster Hunter Portable 2nd" and later released, consistently serve the producer of the series.

Kaname Fujioka

Monster Hunter

Kaname Fujioka

■ profile
In 1993, he joined Capcom as a graphic designer.
In charge of the director from the founder "Monster Hunter", it serves as a direction even in the latest "Monster Hunter 4," "Monster Hunter 4G".

Monster Hunter G-class deformation Rioreusu

Manufacturer's suggested retail price: 10,800 yen(tax 8% included)
Release Date: February 28, 2015 (Saturday) will be released

»Product Details here

※ There is no handling in "Tamashii web shop"



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